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Forest Management

Resources for private and industrial foresters

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry provides a suite of tools and resources to assist private and industrial foresters. The resources below are intended for those engaged in actively managing Wisconsin's forests.

WisFIRS Introduction

Background information and technical requirements for the Wisconsin Forest Inventory and Reporting System.

Forestry aerial photography program

Explore the history and applications of Forestry's aerial photography program, active since the 1930s.


An overview of the silviculture program, silvicultural guidelines and resources.

For certified plan writers

For professional foresters who are, or are interested in becoming, certified plan writers.

Forestry GIS Data

Free downloads of the DNR Forestry Geographic Information System library's datasets.

Forestry best management practices for water quality

Workshop information, manuals and monitoring reports for private and federal landowners.

DNR Handbooks and Other Guidance

Detailed handbooks and management guidelines for cooperating foresters.

Legal Description

How to describe the location of your land in legal documents such as land deeds.
Legal Description

Forest Habitat Type Classification System

Guides for land managers and landowners.
Forest Habitat Type Classification System

Cooperating Forester Program

For all private foresters looking for additional assistance.
Cooperating Forester Program